
How to get here

Travel by train

Travel quickly, cheaply and environmentally friendly, and enjoy your trip right from the start. The railway travel information not only knows train schedules, but also when buses run and how long it takes to walk to and from the next stop. It is best to take a taxi from the train station to Ferienhotel Sonnenheim.

Planning your travel by train to Ferienhotel Sonnenheim

Sonnenheim location/direction

Directions to the Ferienhotel Sonnenheim

Directions from the train station to the holiday hotel – Ferienhotel Sonnenheim Oberstdorf

TRAIN STATION – take Bahnhofstr. – then turn right into Weberstr. – turn left into Trettachstr. – continue to the intersection Holzerstr./Am Schelmenhag on the right, you have reached your destination…

Directions from the entrance to Ferienhotel Sonnenheim

TOWN ENTRANCE – roundabout 3rd exit – Alpgau Str. (stay right) – turn left into Im Steinach at the T-crossing – then over the railway crossing – after railway crossing, turn right into Am Bannholz – after the cemetery, turn right into Trettachstr. – left bend, then continue straight ahead – continue to the intersection Holzerstr./Am Schelmenhag on the left, you have reached your destination…